The Real Law of Attraction

August 22, 2018 3 min read 23 Comments

Getting Older and the LAW OF ATTRACTION

If you're like many people, you wonder what your health will be like as you get old. Will you feel ageless, embrace every transition, and continue to live a full, healthy life? Or do you expect to slow down, have chronic medical issues, and lose the vibrancy you once had?

You may be surprised to learn....

...that the Law of Attraction plays a big role in your health and longevity.  The Law of Attraction works like this: Your deepest beliefs create your circumstances. If you believe you're going to slow down, have a hunched over posture, and end your life in a wheelchair, chances are this will happen.

This programming, which is in place by the age of 11, runs in the background......and most of the time you're not aware of it! Let's say both your grandmother and mother gained weight at midlife, which they carried around their bellies, and became less attractive. Without realizing it, you may expect - subconsciously - your figure to change in the same way and to become more sedentary at the same time of life.

This is important because while your mind may tell you its important to eat right and exercise regularly, if the scale doesn't move and your body isn't more toned it's likely your thoughts - such as "It's hard to lose weight and get in shape after menopause" are affecting the outcome. do you know what you believe? Look for clues in your life.

Start with your family. Although you are tied to your family by genetics, your environment and lifestyle—where you live, how you eat, who you spend time with—affect your health, especially long-term.

How did your parents grow older? Did they develop ailments, have weight around their middles, take a lot of medicines, or have to change their day-to-day routines because of health concerns? Or did they continue learning new things, have active social lives, and live healthfully without a lot of medical interventions? How long did they live? What were they like in their 70’s, 80’s, and beyond? What clues do you see that could be running your programming? Think about your friends and the people you spend time with the most either at home or at work. Answer the same prompts. Consider your role models and mentors. What patterns around growing older do you see?

Now think back to when you were in elementary school. What can you remember about your impressions of older people? Did you think 50 was old? Or was it 60, or 90? Did you plan to retire one day? And what did “retire” mean to you?

Do you think you're old now? What does "old" mean to you?

As you look for clues in your life, listen to the words you speak about getting older, too. Are you complaining about senior moments? Do you say phrases like “Well.... at my age, what do you expect?” If so, you may expect to lose your memory and to have to restrict your activities. With a little detective work, you can identify what programming is running in the background.

A little more awareness can make a big difference in how you grow older. Since the Law of Attraction creates your life based upon deeply held beliefs, be mindful of the things you say, the people you spend the most time with, and the decisions you make that impact your health.

If you don’t like the trajectory you’re on, it’s never too late to change the outcome by updating your beliefs.

23 Responses


March 30, 2020

Thank you for your sharing your medical knowledge & for your positive insights, always encouraging. Feeling empowered, I went to India on my own last year and celebrated my 70th whilst there.
Last month I finally had the courage to get back on a push bike after 55yrs off one, although I did go for a few lessons before managing to pedal. xo

Kathy Bouyett
Kathy Bouyett

March 30, 2020

I am 54. I went back to school at 49, straightened my smile and try my best to balance work and family. I tell friends and family I am just getting started! Loving life!


March 30, 2020

I just got back from a bike trip to Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard !
I did order an E bike to help me go longer and get up some of the difficult hills ! It was an assist bike so I had to pedal to make it work ! It was a great trip and I feel so good about doing it and will again !i need to keep exercising in different ways ! Swimming , walking , strength training and biking ! Go me!!! I will be 77 Sept 30th
Thank you Christine ! I m an Ageless Godess !
With Gratitude and hugs

Naomi A Flanders
Naomi A Flanders

March 30, 2020

Today in a voice class with people older than me. I talked about how our bodies literally obey what we think about ourselves One woman who is 96 years old, changed the croakiy sound of her voice to a much younger sounding voice by the end of the class. Yes, I have a series of exercises that can make this happen but her attitude went from cranky to joyful as she realized she could let go and free her voice, breath.and tension from her mind!

Kari Miller
Kari Miller

March 30, 2020

Great reminders and embrace a 35 yr old mindset but struggle with new aging changes that are hard to control. Dry brittle thinning hair, poor skin tone and decreased energy levels. – not sure what to do now.. I do yoga, eat clean, have healthy weight and no diagnoses. My mother ran marathons at my age (53) and her mother lived to 99. Lived alone until 92. I plan to age as beautifully and productively but skin and hair, eyesight and energy are declining fast. Thoughts?

Mary Clayton
Mary Clayton

March 30, 2020

I truly live by this belief system. I’m going to be 70 in January and I never have a dull moment! Kayaking, boating, walking, xcountry skiingetc… I try to always thought no positive and never say I’m old!


March 30, 2020




March 30, 2020

TY. Nice reminder that being mindful of your surroundings keeps things lighter and clearer. Husband and I taking good care not to complain, exercise, eat right, and hang with those we love. GB

amata life
amata life

March 30, 2020

We're working on getting these on FB……thanks!

amata life
amata life

March 30, 2020

Yay!!!! Thanks so much for the kind words!


March 30, 2020

THANK YOU for the most needed reminder!

Pamela Grimmett
Pamela Grimmett

March 30, 2020

Just spent the weekend (5 days) with my girlfriend, we did something everyday I was there! Great Blue concert in Santa Barbara, lunch at Cold Springs Tavern, walked all over Solvang, the beach, we are 1 year and 1 day apart, 58 & 59, we still feel like young girls!!

Carol White
Carol White

March 30, 2020

Thanks for like minded belief system

Kady Emery
Kady Emery

March 30, 2020

Thank you universe for this reminder which has come at the right time for me. I am 59 and I have been feeling lately disconnected from source. Time for mind, body, breath,soul balance. Back to my yoga and spiritual development and connecting with others of like mind :-))
Thank you again so much
With love from Spain xx

Angela M Davis
Angela M Davis

March 30, 2020

TYVM for this post. It is a great reminder of what I’m living.
I’m 55 and in the past 10 months I’ve managed to lose 62 pounds with 25# since June 1st!
I am thrilled with having better health, eating very healthily, being more mobile and active.
I’m trying very hard to get off Dialysis, get rid of diabetes and HBP.
I will not give up and am standing on God’s PROMISES‼️
I have another 50# to go.
Living my journey in joy, full of hope and faith!

Rose Webb
Rose Webb

March 30, 2020

I would love to share this on face book but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that? So helpful in understanding how we create our own destiny as we age or not, depending on how we see this stage of our lives. Thank you for this life-altering information!

Corneille S Cecil
Corneille S Cecil

March 30, 2020

Until I read Dr. Christiane Northrup's book, "Goddesses Never Age", I was completely unaware how outer forces had created this image of ageing for me, nor how much I had adopted this nonsense! Now, oh my, I am so much happier and feel so much more at ease with the skin I am in :) The problem I find, however, is that most all my friends are using their age as their excuse for EVERYTHING!!! I had the opportunity to head up a women's group at church, planning activities and so forth, so I chose younger women deliberately to avoid the 'age talk'. Do you know that these younger women (early 30's) were already considering themselves as OLD??? My goodness, this silly concept is everywhere! I am so grateful for the women of today who are doing their best to debunk these old fashioned, outdated notions!

Amata Life
Amata Life

March 30, 2020

One suggestion might be to read Goddesses Never Age, as it's all about one's perceptions surrounding getting older (which is inevitable because it is just a number) and aging (which is more about one's state of mind.) Easy and fun read and was also viewed on PBS by millions of women.

Gysler Shelley
Gysler Shelley

March 30, 2020

What references do you recommend on this topic? Thanks so much. Shelley

Fiona Hunter
Fiona Hunter

March 30, 2020

Thank you for this. I'm 52 and needed to be reminded of this


March 30, 2020

I had both a good example and a bad one from my parents. My father died in his early 70s, and for several years before that, lived kind of in boredom. He was someone who, when he retired, lost his interest in life. My mother lived to be 94 and was active and learning right up until nearly the end. So - I get to choose. :-) And I, of course, choose the interesting life full of friends, family, and good times. I just lost my last sibling, so now I'm the ELDER in our rather far-flung clan. It's a bit daunting, but I'm still the same me -- and hope to be that "me" until I pass on.


March 30, 2020

Excellent !

Renda saxton
Renda saxton

March 30, 2020

Your thoughts and teachings are amazing. This is exactly what I tell people – aging is inevitable but getting old is not!!!

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