What Is Really Fueling Coronavirus Panic?

April 27, 2020 3 min read 23 Comments

As the Coronavirus outbreak began, people were in two camps: those with intense fear, and those in denial. Although this is a time for level-headed thinking and planning, the “denial response” may speak to what’s actually fueling the panic: a direct threat to our sense of safety and security! And…..this can’t be overlooked.
Yes, this novel virus is more virulent and deadly than any we’ve experienced in our lifetime

But we fool ourselves if we focus solely on the virulence of the virus; the potential to get sick and die, the fear of losing loved ones, or even the economic impact. Yes, those are scary and legitimate concerns. But they indicate a much bigger issue: Our healthcare system may fail us just when we need it the most. And this shakes us to our core.

It seems that, never in our lifetimes, have our systems—medical and other—been so totally unprepared for what we’re facing. Some of our medical systems are so stressed that they can no longer guarantee the kind of medical care we expect. Because we haven’t had economic stops in place, we feel as though we’ve careened into desperate financial times. The things we thought we'd always have are gone…….and we don’t know what the future holds.

t’s understandable that this feels like a direct threat to our ability to survive. In just thinking of some of the phrases we’ve heard lately, like forecasting unprecedented deaths, greater than the great depression, changing our country in ways we can’t fathom, we can understand why thoughts of this nature set off our fight-or-flight mechanism.

We’re anxious about the unknown and want to “take up arms” to fight the enemy—just when we’re stuck at home and feeling powerless!

There are many things you can do to improve your sense of safety and security and to take back some of your power, though. Here are a few thoughts:


  • What’s feeding your sense of insecurity and lack of safety? Are you glued to the TV or scouring the internet for death projections? While it’s important to stay informed, some sources are more hyperbole and conjecture than facts and information. This may feed feelings of anxiety and helplessness.
  • If you’re worried about never getting backto normal (whatever that means), accept that going back isn’t possible. We never go back! We should always move forward until we achieve a new, desirable normal. It’s not the optimist who thinks "This too shall pass." It’s the realist. Everything passes, even the happiest times we wish would last forever. As we transition to different times, it’s important to be flexible, patient, and to look for what we can learn from this experience, so we can make our future better than our past.
  • Establish a new daily routine. If this is the first time you’ve worked from home, you may be tempted to work in pajamas all day. If you’re not working, you may want to binge watch TV instead of doing something productive. This is fine and even needed from time to time. But you need structure to create a sense of normal, so create a daily routine for when you wake and sleep, eat, exercise, and work at something productive (if you aren’t actually working now). This will help you move to your new normal.
  • Take care of your first chakra—  the root chakra. Our first chakra speaks to our sense of safety and security as well as our place in the world. It is rooted in our connections to our community, family, and other support systems—even institutional ones. The health of our immune system is part of the first chakra, so shore it up through grounding, daily prayer or meditation, taking nutritional supplements to support health and immunity, exercise, eating healthfully, and sleeping solidly.

These are sad, scary times.
And.....it’s ok to admit it.

But when we address the root cause of what’s contributing to our unease, it will lessen!

Which of the tips will you implement today? How can you shore up your first chakra during uncertain times?

Please share how you're doing!

23 Responses

Jodi Levine
Jodi Levine

May 02, 2020

Getting so much conflicting information from People who are supposed to know! Doctors are saying different things. I go for common sense. Words Ive heard you speak. I am tapping and meditating and journaling, walking & Yoga. . All dont take long, but I always feel better after. I may not do all everyday but at least one.

Linda Thomas
Linda Thomas

April 29, 2020

Would you write a bit more about the graphic stating that the brain signals the adrenals. I’ve been having severe hot flashes, sweats, and joint and facial flushing at night. It awakens me from a sound sleep. I’m a quiet sleeper, not sleep apnea. It causes elevated blood pressure. I’ve been to number of doctors and they are perplexed. I’m otherwise a healthy 80 year old still working. but I’m concerned about a fall or a stroke. Is it possible that my nervous system and my hormonal system are not “communicating” while asleep? This does not happen during the day. If this is too complex for the comment section, could you send how I may contact you to learn more and get some direction? Thanks so very much. lindawriter10@gmail.com

Lise Fields
Lise Fields

April 29, 2020

Thank you for your wonderful words and suggestions. I had heard a short talk by author, Elizabeth Gilbert, on Fear with Compassion and of course the timing of it was perfect. A the start of the quarantine, I was caring for a friend who was passing away at home with no family and found myself unprepared in many ways, not to mention I didn’t really have time to take of my own needs at home. I dropped weight, couldn’t eat and at times was literally shaking. I followed Elizabeth’s suggestion and in a new journal, every day, I wrote little letters of encouragement to myself, writing the exact things I needed to hear. Some days, I stopped and wrote several times a day, just for a couple minutes. It helped immediately and is something I’ll continue to do “as needed”. I realized that I knew in my heart what I needed to hear to regain my balance and my nervous system responded. Both my friend and I lived out her final days with peace.

Barbara Welles
Barbara Welles

April 28, 2020

Thank you for this message Dr. Northrup. I love your work.
I live by myself. I’ve been withdrawing from anti-depressants for the past 6 months after having been on them for 25 years!. Therefore, I’m able to cry one minute and laugh the next. This has been a journey to continue strengthening my emotions with all the “tools” I know to use and not give up being positive and strong. Some fun things I’ve done:
I purchased a pet stroller to go on longer walks with my dog. I just put her into it when I feel like jogging for a while and she loves the ride.
Yard work. Lots of it. My water bill proves it.
Painting the interior of my house.
Doing my own nails because I have a constant spit thumbnail that needs superglue or acrylic powder dip.
Lots of jumping on my mini trampoline.
I’m not going to mention all the Netflix programs.
I’m turning over a new leaf to be more active and stay on a schedule in order to paint more commissions in my back yard studio.
Seriously thinking of moving to Sweden where there is no quarantine!

Jenny Mallard
Jenny Mallard

April 28, 2020

I have started to do 10 minute meditations and it has helped-I get anxiety just before a hot flash but taking the pueraria murifica helps keep flashes infrequent-so much stress working at home and managing home schooling-I actually am looking forward to a new normal cuz I think the old normal wasn’t working for a lot of us! Thank you, Dr. Northrup for all that you do and for making a huge difference in my life!

Chris Sargent
Chris Sargent

April 28, 2020

I love this! Thanks for sharing . I love your books and your teaching also!
I’m doing well and staying positive. Thank you!!!

Suzanne Bonham
Suzanne Bonham

April 28, 2020

I have worked from home for 14 years as a furniture designer and finisher. My profession is low risk for spreading the virus, and so this has not rocked my world like it has so many others. BUT. I have an 89 year old Dad with insulin dependent diabetes and a 84 year old Mom. I am isolated from my mom and dad, whom I used to visit once a week, and they are isolated from many others too. I just signed up to volunteer for a COVID-19 clinical trial going on in Portland, Oregon in which they inject bits and parts of the virus to see if your immune system will make antibodies that match it. I was educated as a nurse and a pharmacist, and gave up my licenses long ago, but I still think like a scientist and I want to do my part to help society, and as a healthy 52 year old I hope I get a spot on their guinea-pig team.

Catherine Renee
Catherine Renee

April 28, 2020

Thank you for your words of Wisdom, and I thank all the beautiful women that commented. I am having the opportunity to reevaluate myself in many ways. I am still seeing more good than bad. Families coming together, moral support on the internet, and some fabulous on line classes. I just got through participating in a wonderful class, Sketch book revival. It was so much fun and I learned so much it keep me sane. Now I am painting or drawing everyday. I do miss the Tango and blues dancing although I do try to focus on what brings me joy. The birds are still singing and the lila are in bloom, and I even saw a river otter on the beach. I have not seen one in over 3 years!


April 28, 2020

I am gratefully completely unfinished projects, creating a routine based on self care as a foundation (though I struggle with self care since I live with a narcissist and I am am empath!) and I’m
being more in nature. Mother Earth is teaching us if only we listen!

Leah Parker
Leah Parker

April 28, 2020

Being a super Pisces, I could really feel the energy when I went out into the world. WOW Its really different out there. I watched a video with “Dr Bruce Lipton, Nia Peeples and DR Buttar”, about meditating at 11am & 11pm to send the energy of LOVE out to our world. I have been doing this daily, sometimes just for 5 or 10 minute. I use the frequency music on “Meditative Mind” for my background, they play for hours, and it creates a really PEACEFUL energy in my home, and nourishes my spirit. Thank you Dr Northrup and BLESSINGS to all.

Sandy Blake
Sandy Blake

April 27, 2020

What a breath of fresh air! Thank you for your wise words reminding us that we have choice in how we live through this experience. Even though our isolation is a challenge, I feel a strong connection with the helpers, teachers, and inspiring people like you. Blessings on our journey.

Felice Fontana
Felice Fontana

April 27, 2020

A great reminder on how we can always turn a negative situation into a positive one. It all starts in the mind. I always start the day by reading some bible scriptures then praying of course. During this change we are all experiencing, I started riding my bike again everyday. When I get home, I take a virtual ballet class for hour and a half. Today after my shower, I did some facial treatments, scrub, mask, and finished off with some luxurious creams. I feel so relaxed and cared for, not to mention my skin looks so great. Before the isolation, I was feeling out of shape and tired. I’m 72, and it is amazing how quickly my body and attitude have responded. I’m getting my ballet body back and getting so much enjoyment in doing it. Another side benefit is, I have cleaned out so many cupboards, boxes, the attic, rearranged closets, and had time to give the house a deep cleaning. I feel really happy and not at all fearful. I live in a beautiful area near the river in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and I have noticed how nature is also responding joyfully to cleaner air, less noise and traffic, and having more freedom to safely move and fly around. This has been an opportunity for all of us to slow down, look around, be grateful for all of our blessings and be kind to ourselves and others.

Aida Neves
Aida Neves

April 27, 2020

I am a yoga teacher who sometimes has difficulty walking her talk – always encouraging my students to listen to their bodies, hearts, minds and souls; encouraging them to deeply listen and feed themselves with all that makes them well – organic food chewed well and slowly, clean water, deep conscious breathing, time on their yoga mat, time out doors, bare feet on the ground whenever possible, sing, dance, draw, etc. Now, I’m still teaching a few times per week via Zoom, but I’ve had time to truly walk my talk. What a blessing. My heart goes out to those suffering but I believe that this is a time of profound cleansing and profound growth. I feel that humanity is in the chrysalis stage starting to emerge into butterflies. The ease of our emergence will be based upon our ability to soften and surrender to the unfurling of our wings. The more we fear or resist the transformation the greater the hardship and the longer we will remain in the darkness. Blessings, light and love for each of our metamorphosis. ❤️

Mary E Ascher
Mary E Ascher

April 27, 2020

You forgot to include tapping: http://www.thetappingsolution.com. If you know what that is, here’s your gentle reminder to start up again. If you haven’t tried it, there is no better time. Plenty of ways to tap for safety and health, or anything else that may be bothering you. I have finally started doing it every day now that I have more time.

Dorothy DeCesare
Dorothy DeCesare

April 27, 2020

I find taking care of the Self is most important. Once I go through my daily routine of Self Care and household chores, I feel invigorated and free to do something for me that I wouldn’t ordinarily do, due to lack of time. But now….at age 71….there is so much time on my hands, that I can delve happily into projects that I’ve put off for far too long. Once complete, they give me a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction….putting a smile on my face. I give thanks for this moment in time. My family, living a distance away, are all safe and doing their thing to stay that way. For that I am so grateful. Our world is changing and it will never revert back, so we should take this time to move forward, as we know best and not be afraid of what is to come. I believe we will be so surprised at our love of togetherness that the world will seem not so large after all. Blessings All. xo <3

Elisa Tempio
Elisa Tempio

April 27, 2020

Thank you for the reminder to connect with our spirit as well as our physical, mental and emotional bodies. I am certified in Kundalini Yoga and I was practicing every day… I got off track and getting back on now. I know much of what you speak of, however, I needed to hear it again to validate and confirm. I know I need to help others through Yoga and much more I need to get stronger so that I can do so. You are a shining example of teaching through your own experience. Thank you again for your wisdom and being a beautiful, powerful yet gentle female role model. My mother was not able to do that in a lot of ways. Some ways she did wonderfully. She did not have the tools I have and so many of us have now. I just started the Pueraria Mirifica today and I meditated connect with her, the plant. I am eager to continue on this journey. Blessed Be and Sat Nam (True Identity) Elisa Rose!

Jo Molloy
Jo Molloy

April 27, 2020

Thank you for sharing. I’m going through
peri menopause and I have a twelve year old son. With online class work and being home 24/7, I’ve been a bit overwhelmed with decreasing estrogen and so I’m so grateful for Amata Life. It helps a lot! but you’re right about the uncertainty I feel about the future for my entire family. It’s been a struggle. My anxiety is off the wall, and your words couldn’t have come at a better time. so again – thank you.

Virginia Grace Abraham
Virginia Grace Abraham

April 27, 2020

Wise woman, thank you for your email! Your posts are well-informed & grounding. Last night on a meditative journey I became aware of how stress sticks like taffy to my trapezius & recognized the need for rest as balancing the adrenal exhaustion of freaking out from media. (don’t get me wrong, I want to aspire to be a journalist and was a broadcaster for a short while, before becoming a nurse, massage therapist, and intuitive healer.) Saw my spirit-animal as a big cat, resting in the arms of a great tree. My hope is we might use insight to gain balance, heal, and constructively promote the kinds of relationships that open our hearts to true humanity. Thank you so much, Dr. Northrup!


April 27, 2020

Before the quarantine I went to the gym first thing in the morning so I have created a routine that works for me at oil. I do doterra essential oils so I have been doing a lot of research on those as well as foods. I also meditate every day.


April 27, 2020

I loved the simple and insightful comment “We never go back” and it makes so much sense to go forward, implementing changes and improvements so that we find a new balance, a new normal. Living here in the UK in our fifth week or lockdown, I’ve become more intentional, more in the present and with every small liberty that is temporarily taken away it also gives me something precious too. I’m looking forward to restrictions easing, but I will remember your advice to be flexible, to be patient as I move into different times. Thank you.

Kay Littlejohn
Kay Littlejohn

April 27, 2020

Thank you so very much for your GROUNDING, ENCOURAGEMENT! It’s time to rise to this occasion!

Tawny Avonne Barnard
Tawny Avonne Barnard

April 27, 2020

Thank you for this encouragement and wisdom! I am gardening, walking barefoot in the morning dew, sitting with my spine along the trunk of a tree, faithfully taking my supplements that support my immune system and my “gut” health, giving myself Reiki in the morning and in the evening, practicing some of Donna Eden’s energy medicine “tools”, practicing “pono breath” inhaling “i love you”, exhaling “thank you”, inhaling “peace be with me”, exhaling “peace be with you” and offering comfort and support to others in service to their well-being. I look forward to hear what others will share regarding their exquisite self-care during this time of increased awareness of our spiritual responsibility!


April 27, 2020

Thank you for the note and article. It’s just good to hear a positive about a negative situation . It made me feel better you stating “this too shall pass.” A favorite saying of mine. Blessings and be safe and well.

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